The Dilbert Wing

Dilbert and Dogbert

The first piece here, titled Dilbert and Dogbert was my first Dilbert piece. Notice the attempt at humor as a means of rationalizing the stark roughness of Dogbert.
         |        |  What's wrong, Dogbert?
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Next up is a piece named, simply, Wally. It remains one of my larger works, a departure from the norm. Wally is my largest Dilbert, and after this attempt, I resolved to stick to smaller works.
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Contemporary Management

Contemporary Management is based upon an amalgamation of strips. Many minutes of research went into the modelling of the man, and the size of the paper varied for a while, and came to it's final size not too long ago.
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The next picture was the first of those that I started in the summer of 1996. Dilbert essentially stayed the same, but Dogbert underwent quite a (favorable, in my opinion) change. 10:53 represents the effort expended to get back into a working state, post-coffee break. Note the void seperating him from the workstation.
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Ratbert in Profile

Ratbert in Profile was a quick Ratbert work. I originally intended to expand and flesh out this work, smoothing some of it's rough edges, but I ran into a creative block, and so this work stayed the way it was.
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Dilbert's Garbageman

Next up is a dual piece entitled Dilbert's Garbageman (A study in motion). Here, he is reading something that Dilbert has thrown away. He starts to respond, probably going to correct an error in Dilbert's work. He speaks, and is captured for all time.
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Another Bad Date

Another Bad Date is something that I contemplated for a long time. Her place in his world demanded a response from me, but she is not his only bad date. However, I feel satisfied with the final product.

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                                /       \         -abg

Where's My Office

Another work involving his boss. This piece, Where's My Office?, captures the essence of Dilbert's superior. A witty comment on modern administration.

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            /  |  | |  |  \       -abg

Dilbert with Nude

And this last piece, Dilbert with Nude, is a stunning, moving epic. The man in repose, at home. This one needs no explanation, rather, it wishes to speak with us directly.

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Ascii Art
Index - Early Stuff - Books - Signature Sized - Dilbert - Bombs - Random - Other Things - Unfinished

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