Fun with /'s


This one, Novel, has a double edged meaning. Art of this style was a complete departure for me. The 'Book' works constiture what I consider my only successes in this genre. It still retains some of the characteristic sparseness that is common through the works.
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Variations on a Theme

The next was to be my opus. But it turned into a a miserable failure. The books, since they were different, seemed to demand titles. The titles that I gave them, however, were woefully detrimental. The humor is forced, non-existent, and it dominated the piece, like Howard Stern at a ERA convention. Variations on a theme, almost ruined me. I never went back to the book motif.
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// ////////     // /////| Ye Olde Magic |   |;;;|   |
|~~~~~~~~|     // //////|     Book      |   |;;;|   |
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|        ||~'---..---'~||  Calculus IV  |   |;      |
| Bill   ||            ||      and      |   |'      |
| Gates  ||  Click &   ||     other     |   |       |
|        ||  Clack's   ||    Demons     |          /|
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|        ||  Guide to  ||               |        // |
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|        ||  ********  ||               |     /         -Gurno
| Dewey  ||     **  *  ||---------------|    /
|Cheatham||  *** ****  ||  5th Edition  |   /
|   &    ||            ||---------------|  /       
|  Howe  ||   Repair   ||               | /

Ascii Art
Index - Early Stuff - Books - Signature Sized - Dilbert - Bombs - Random - Other Things - Unfinished

Index - Personal - Bleat - Computer - Links
Adam - Linnea - About