A random collection of photos that I've taken this summer. There's no theme here, just all the photos that I've taken and deem worth saving.
Enjoying the sounds of the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra. They're putting on a free concert in Bridge Square. |
Gettin' funky to the sounds of the CVRO. |
The digital camera has its limitations, however sometimes it works out in our favor. |
Playing in the pool. The best game invented was 'pour the water out of the pool', while still a new sport, was highly popular. |
Just another cute kid picture. |
We had some really nice weather this summer. The pool we had purchased last fall, catching an end-of-summer sale. It was well worth it - heck, I think that we made money off of it. |
Pouring water, from behind. |
Pouring water, on behind. |
Two years, 7 months, 25 days, 22 hours, and 7 minutes. |
Grandma Bonnie will recognize this as Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America. Consider this an invitation. Come back! Look at all the places available on the kiddie coaster! |
Playing with LEGOs(TM)(C)(SM)(QQQ) in the MOA. |
Snoopy and Linnea. Why Snoopy is sporting a tie-dye shirt is still unknown. |