Page Six

She's about four to five months old in these pictures...

Sick baby She got a slight case of Roseola Infantum and was down with a fever when we took this picture.
Working on those arm muscles with a little help from her Boppy pillow. Linnea looking up.
Tired from all that work Time for the neck muscles to take a little break.
Back at it again. She's a trooper. Trying to look up again.
Sitting in the chair. Hanging out in the Big Green Chair.
Same chair, same girl, just a little closer this time. Closer shot in the chair.
Playing with Daddy A father's eye view of playing with the girl.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think she likes the close-ups yet. Extreme baby close-up.
In her saucer You can tell that she thinking that she'd be having a better time if SOMEONE WOULD QUIT TAKING MY PICTURE!...
It's too bad that this one turned out a little blurry. Everybody likes happy baby shots. Playing in her saucer II

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