Page Ten


[2003-04-24] Long enough wait for ya'? Format is a little different, due to my use of ezgallery to post the pictures now...


dcp_1140 Geez, I've forgotten that she was ever this young. Anyways, this is Easter and her first crack (pun intended) at coloring eggs. Please note that Mom is doing most of the coloring.

dcp_1152 Dancing along with Barney. This could also be titled "Linnea sets the Sprain-Daddy's-Ankle obstacle course."

dcp_1154 Getting into the china cabinet, where she KNOWS she's not supposed to be.

dcp_1197 Finger painting. Once there was blue, red, and yellow. Now there is only the color 'Smudge'.

dcp_1199 Sometimes you have to experiment. You don't think that the soccerball can wear sunglasses, but you don't know for sure until you try.

dcp_1201 Ready for her close-up.

dcp_1204 We really shouldn't have let her watch "Risky Business".

dcp_1206 Mother: provider, comforter, nurse, and LAW ENFORCEMENT.

dcp_1218 Flash forward about four months from the last picture to Christmas 2003. Here she is at the farm, petting Dakota.

dcp_1220 Hi, Dakota. It's a dog's life, isn't it?

dcp_1222 I don't know who this is. My daughter just took her first steps last month.

dcp_1230 Playing doctor with Grandpa Pete and Grandma Carole.

dcp_1231 And my gigantic thumb ruins another good picture.

dcp_1233 Grandma Carole displays the finer points of nursing. However, I doubt that standard issue medical equipment is made of puffy blue plastic and says "Happy Doctor" on the side.

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