Geez, I've forgotten that she was ever this young. Anyways, this is Easter and her first crack (pun intended) at coloring eggs. Please note that Mom is doing most of the coloring. |
Dancing along with Barney. This could also be titled "Linnea sets the Sprain-Daddy's-Ankle obstacle course." |
Getting into the china cabinet, where she KNOWS she's not supposed to be. |
Finger painting. Once there was blue, red, and yellow. Now there is only the color 'Smudge'. |
Sometimes you have to experiment. You don't think that the soccerball can wear sunglasses, but you don't know for sure until you try. |
Ready for her close-up. |
We really shouldn't have let her watch "Risky Business". |
Mother: provider, comforter, nurse, and LAW ENFORCEMENT. |
Flash forward about four months from the last picture to Christmas 2003. Here she is at the farm, petting Dakota. |
Hi, Dakota. It's a dog's life, isn't it? |
I don't know who this is. My daughter just took her first steps last month. |
Playing doctor with Grandpa Pete and Grandma Carole. |
And my gigantic thumb ruins another good picture. |
Grandma Carole displays the finer points of nursing. However, I doubt that standard issue medical equipment is made of puffy blue plastic and says "Happy Doctor" on the side. |