

These are filed under "Linnea" even though they contain some touristy shots of our trip to Arizona in Feb of 2004. Enjoy


dcp_1292.jpg Linnea posing in front of a fake teepee at Tortilla Flats. The cactus in the background and the little Indian in the front are real, however.

dcp_1288.jpg At Torilla Flats there are dollars pasted on the wall. Real dollars. Covering every square inch of the walls. Most are written on. There's even a few pieces of foreign currency scattered about too. (And more than a few checks written out for $1.00)

dcp_1289.jpg More shots of the money. You have no idea how covered this place was.

dcp_1291.jpg (Blurry) Lunch time at Tortilla Flats. Like I said, dollars everywhere.

And now there's one more with our names on it.

dcp_1285.jpg If you like to look at rocks, Arizona is your place. If you're in the market for rock pictures, I've got it cornered.

Seriously though, a very beatiful place, the man-killing catcii not withstanding.

dcp_1263.jpg There's a lake way-y-y-y up in the Superstition Mountains. Even then-President Theodore Rooseveldt had to go and see it.

dcp_1257.jpg Swimming with Grandma and Grandpa. Pretty much her favorite activity. I simply enjoyed the fact that you could swim outside in February.

dcp_1262.jpg What did I say about it being her favorite thing? Someone does not want to get out of the pool.

dcp_1244.jpg Ready to go swimming. She's dressed and standing by the door while we're still getting ready.

dcp_1246.jpg In and out. In and out. In and out. Arizona doors tend to be screen doors at ground level, rather than heavy storm doors. She liked this.

dcp_1248.jpg Thrilled to be here.

dcp_1249.jpg Checking out her reflection in the Cadillac.

dcp_1251.jpg Heading to the pool with her grandfather.

dcp_1253.jpg You'd think that Arizona equals "retirees playing shuffleboard".

You'd be right.

dcp_1255.jpg More handholding with grandpa. I'm pretty sure that they're watching the tapdancers.

dcp_1297.jpg Killing time in an airport on the way back home. A great vacation over.

Linnea's Page - Pics 1 - Pics 2 - Pics 3 - Pics 4 - Pics 5 - Pics 6 - Pics 7 - Pics 8 - Pics 9 - Pics 10 - Pics 12 - Arizona - Studio - Spring 2004 - Family Weekend 2004 - Linnea v2.5 - Autumn 2004 Pictures - Holidays 2004
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