Adam Gurno 2317 Valley Drive
Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 645-9153

  • Dependable, reliable, trustworthy. US Government - FAA security clearance.
  • Experience in dealing with critical systems: no interruption, no downtime.
  • Demonstrated leadership experience: planned and ran Twin Cities branch of Saturn Systems of Duluth; Member of the Northfield Public Library Board; Founder and President of Northfield Linux User Group.
  • Personable and friendly in dealing with coworkers and customers.
2003-Present ACNielsen St. Louis Park, MN
Technical Client Manager

Member of the internal 'Tiger Team', Decision Support Services. I am responsible for assuming control of projects that have fallen behind schedule or run over budget. Projects have been in a variety of platforms and programs - Visual Basic, Python, VB.NET, and C#.

I have also completed an extensive set of technical documentation for these projects in LaTeX, MS Word, and others. I have introduced version control, issue tracking, and coding standards to the DSS group.

2001-2003 TMP Worldwide Edina, MN
Contract Developer
Lockheed Martin management specifically requested me to return to LM to aid the URET project.
  • URET - Resumed development where I had left off. Handled problem reports and feature requests for the graphical interface to the databases. URET has now been deployed to nine locations with more planned in the coming year.
  • ATOP - Shifted work to the ATOP (Advanced Trans-Oceanic Processor) project. Continued development towards a 2003 field deployment in Oakland, New York and Anchorage.
1998-2001 Saturn Systems Duluth, MN
Senior Developer; Manager
  • NFIRS CE, Contract Programmer - After opening a branch of Saturn Systems in St. Paul, I headed up a team that created a First Responder application on the Pocket PC platform.
  • Lockheed Martin, Subcontractor - From Jan 2000 to Dec 2000, I acted as subcontractor for the URET (User Request Evaluation Tool) FAA project, an air traffic conflict prediction system. I developed and tested a majority of the Motif X Windows displays for an AIX target system.
  • PPD Automation, Lead - Starting in November of 1998, I managed and developed an 'Expert System' for evaluating disability. I assumed control of a project behind schedule, reorganized it and delivered a completed 20k LOC VB application to the customer in five months. The program included over a dozen custom Crystal Reports and a blended HTML on-off line help system.
  • Along with those major projects, I also completed many smaller programs for several different companies, including Minnesota Power, Norwest, Consolidated Title of Edina and Potlatch.
1993-1997 University of Minnesota - Morris Morris, MN
BA Computer Science
Attended college on National Merit Scholarship
Languages UNIX - C (including Xlib, Xt and Motif), Perl, shell scripting, C++.
Windows - Visual Basic (5,6,.NET) and VBA, C#, C++, C, COM, DAO/ADO, Delphi,
All/Other - SQL, Javascript, Java, Python, Tk, CSS, XML, XSLT, HTML, LaTeX, 6507 ASM.
Software Most major standard UNIX utilities, window managers and shells. Extensive Drupal CMS, MS SQL Server and MySQL, Microsoft Office tools, including Word, Access and Excel. Visual Studio. Hummingbird X and WebDesktop. Multi-platform VNC. Ultraedit (I wrote the Python syntax file).
Operating Systems UNIX - AIX, Solaris, Linux, OpenBSD, DEC Digital UNIX/Ultrix
Windows 95, 98, NT 3.51/4.0, 2000, XP, 2003 Server.
Other - BeOS, DOS, FreeDOS, VAX, GEM/TOS


Language Length Level
C 7 years 5 Mostly UNIX-based work, including a full year on the X Windows/Motif based URET FAA project. I authored, single-handedly, most of the displays to be used on the air traffic controller side.
Visual Basic and VB.NET 9 years 5 Quite a bit of experience creating applications, including ADO and COM components. I headed up a team developing an expert system consisting of over 15,000 lines of code.
Python 4 years 4 Several of my Open Source Python modules have been downloaded over 1,000 times each.
SQL 6 years 5 Most of my Windows-based projects have utilized SQL and I have become adept at quickly writing complex queries that work the first time they are used.
C# 2 years 4 I wrote 5,000 lines for the new, interactive Nielsen web framework. It's a combination of legacy technologies and XML-based data transportation.
Javascript, AJAX 4 years 3 I have maintained a number of javascript-based systems, including implmenting Drupal CMS integration with various APIs such as Flickr and Google.
Other UNIX Scripting Languages (ksh, bash, awk, sed) 7 years 4 System administration requires one to be proficient with a number of different tools and as a result, I have written more informal tools than I can count using a variety of scripting languages.